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Small law exposes big wet kiss with Empty
PostSubject: Small law exposes big wet kiss with   Small law exposes big wet kiss with EmptyFri Aug 08, 2014 2:04 pm

Wenger confirmed that Arsenal captain Germany 3 Manchester United offer will miss the Premier League opener Arsenal held a press conference, manager Arsene Wenger confirmed that Manchester United already offer Weiermalun team captain at the press conference, and the team's three World Cup Ozil, Per Mertesacker and Podolski will miss the season opener. Arsenal on Sunday will usher in the Community Shield Cup Manchester City challenges, today they held a press conference at the press conference Wenger is also a sensitive topic for the near future to make a Cheap FIFA 14 Coins response. When talking about the situation of the team captain Vermaelen, Wenger confirmed that Manchester United have sent us a quote, "We have received a number of offers, Manchester United is in it, Vermaelen is likely to leave, we have discussed his future, he requires a lot of games to maintain their status, the team is difficult to stand on his position. "Wenger also believes that the arrival of Louis van Gaal's Manchester United again become competitive," they are likely to recover, I think next season will be there are six teams compete for the league title. "

For questions gunmen lineup, professors to introduce the latest situation, "won the World Cup three players will rejoin next Monday, they will miss the season opener, this is no way, after the World Cup in July 13 until the Buy FIFA 14 Coins end, you must make they get plenty of rest. As for Walcott, he will return at the end of August, he was very hard, but not yet ready to do appearances. "Arsenal's summer signings very quickly, has introduced Sanchez, Debu Xi, Chambers and Ospina, Wenger very pleased for the team's lineup, "Our economic situation is getting better in recent years, from the turn there will be a window closing half weeks time, we may still be reinforced, but the existing line-up also has considerable strength. "For Lampard to join Manchester City on loan, Wenger's position is also quite interesting, "I do not think Chelsea Manchester is the nearest distance to go to New York revolution."

Drunk! Small law exposes big wet kiss with his girlfriend close-up lips pretty sexy beauty earthshaking The day before Chelsea 3-0 off negative Bremen, but this apparently did not affect the friendly defeat small law mood. After the game, a small law hastily returned from Germany, Spain, to meet his girlfriend Dani Ella. Small law still drying on Instagram out with Dani Ella drunkenly kissing close-up photos, loving filling. For small law, the first month after joining Chelsea very well, he was in a few warm-up matches have demonstrated a good state, with new FIFA 14 Coins teammates with has become even more understanding. British media are a large number of small law whether the new season as Chelsea won the championship final, Mourinho also stand little law is a key part of the championship puzzle. Mourinho said: "Cesc can instantaneously improve the rhythm of the game, it can also slow down at any time, he is very clever, both organizations are able to score and we are delighted that he's coming, all the players are very recognized for his strength. . " FIFA 14 Coins http://www.fifa1314.com
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